
EL ELLIEH family

Khalil and Layal EL ELLIEH, 51 and 38 years old, are a married couple since 2005. Khalil works as a security agent, and Layal was an account auditor for 4 years. After the births of Steven, 12 yo, Louna, 10 yo, and Yves 8 yo, she decided to stay at home to take care of her children. All three children are good in school, and they already have a dream profession : sports coach for Steven, doctor for Louna, and engineer for Yves. Unfortunately, the economic crisis has severly hit the family, and the children cannot do any outdoors activities anymore. Despite the difficulties, the EL ELLIEH family remains generous with their neighbors in the need, and demonstrate remarkable positivity.

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Teta w Jeddo and tax exemption

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